Support at home


how i can help you

During Casa Parenting mentoring sessions, we work collaboratively to identify your parenting strengths and challenges, and use this knowledge to develop a plan of action with clear strategies to help you accomplish your goals.

As your parent mentor, I offer support, suggestions, and solutions as parenting situations arise or evolve. Parents will gain new perspectives and skills which they may carry with them as they continue their parenthood journey.

Our sessions can focus on any of the topics below.

Supporting your child’s independence

• Build autonomy in your child’s play.

• Foster confidence and self-esteem in your child.

• Create an organized working space for your child.

• Assess your child’s toy repertoire.

• Declutter play space or bedroom.
Choose furniture that encourages your child’s independence.



• Establish routines for your child.

• Develop healthy habits in your child.

• Set limits and clear rules in a loving way. Prevent and handle challenging behaviors.

• Facilitate healthy sibling relationships.

• Conquer bedtime and mealtime struggles.


with Covid-19

• Discover how to make remote learning a success for your child.

• Address challenges around attending school in person vs. remote instruction.

• Structure a pod for your family and establish best strategies.

• Assess the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a sitter, teacher or tutor.


Together we can create a respectful, enjoyable family environment where everyone can make a positive contribution.

Children who feel connected at home do better at school, socially and in life.






Positive Discipline is a program developed by Dr. Jane Nelsen. It is based on the work of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs and designed to teach young people to become responsible and resourceful members of their communities. Positive Discipline teaches important social and life skills such as self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation, and problem-solving in a manner that is deeply respectful.

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Montessori Philosophy

The Montessori Philosophy is centered around building children's independence. Independence promotes confidence in the child as he learns through his own success and explorations. By providing an organized and hands-on environment at home, children will feel more included and productive. As a result, parents experience a calmer atmosphere and purposeful meaning in family life.